Kerkhoff Cemetery

Monday, May 31, 2010 by: free

Kerkhoff Cemetery, is a Dutch military cemetery at the time of the Aceh War. This tomb complex is located in the city of Banda Aceh, and is now an interesting tourist attraction, especially for foreign tourists (especially tourists from the Netherlands).

As we know that the Kingdom of Aceh and its people are very persistent who fought against the Dutch in Aceh. Acehnese people defend the country with their wealth and lives. Long resistance caused many casualties in both sides.

Evidence of this history can be found in this Kerkhoff Dutch cemetery. Here was buried about 2000 Dutch soldiers, and soldiers including Javanese, Batak, Ambon and several other tribal soldiers who are members of the Dutch East Indies Army. the grave is still well maintained. Until now the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands is very touching and respectful citizens of Banda Aceh who treat with neat graves.

Kerkhoff grave Banda Aceh is the Dutch military cemetery located in foreign countries are the largest in the world Balanda. In Dutch history, the war is the most bitter war over their bitter experience during the Napoleonic Wars.

Conversely countless Acehnese who died in defending every inch of ground water is not known where the grave.

In this area, also found the tomb of the son of Sultan Iskandar Muda, namely Amat Diapers that adultery and sentenced to stoning.

Indonesian Tourist Destination

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