Museum of Aceh

Monday, May 31, 2010 by: free

In the surrounding streets of Sultan Mahmud Shah, there are some very interesting historic objects visited. The object is the State Museum of Aceh, Rumoh (Aceh figure 1), bell Cakra Donya, Meuh tombs, Tomb of Sultan Iskandar Muda, and the Hall of Governors.

The Dutch government in 1914 to build Rumoh Atjeh (House of Aceh). The Atjeh Rumoh functions are exhibitions of goods originating from Ace in the Colonial Exhibition (de-koniale tenstoonsteling). The exhibition was held in Semarang, Central Java on August 13 until August 15, 1915. After finishing the exhibition, the building was dismantled and taken back to Kutaradja. Subsequently the house was built in accordance with the original shape and became the Museum of Aceh which is placed beside the field eksplanade Kutaradja. Therefore, there is also a mention of this museum with a Rumoh Aceh. Museum Aceh itself pemakaiaannya inaugurated on July 31, 1915.

When ins Museum of Aceh is a government-run museums and as a storage of historic objects, both from the kingdom until their independence. Existing collections in this museum, among others, the Kingdom of Aceh Seals, replica Malikul Saleh tombs, ancient manuscripts, currency kingdom of Aceh, and others.

Other collections in this museum was the bell Cakra Donya. Concerning the presence of bell Cakra Donya there are several versions. One of them, based on the year figure contained in the upper part can be known that the bell Cakra Donya ins created in 1409. This bell was a gift from the Emperor of China to the Sultan of Aceh in order to bind the friendship. According to Aceh I Kremer, in his book that the bell Cakra Donya has been made in the year 1469. The bell, measuring approximately 1.25 meters tall and has a width of 0.75 meters.

On December 2, 1915 at the Governor HNA Swart royal palace master gave the order to lower the bell from the tree ba'gloendong for fear of a broken tree and a bell will be damaged, so the bell was placed on the ground. The bell was sent down by the Chinese people, because people think the bell is haunted.

In 1939 the sultan who had an old bell that hung by a chain inside a wooden dome in front of the Museum of Aceh. Apparently when the bell was cleaned on the outside there are the ornaments with symbols (carvings) in the form of Arabic and Chinese letters. Symbols and inscriptions have been worn in Arabic letters can not be read again. Fiancé-fiancée is inferred that the bells were first given the layers of gold. The signs of all kinds had been carved into the iron and gold have been entered on-alurannya brook.

Meuh Cage Complex (Tomb Kings Aceh) is located in the complex and the complex Baperis State Museum Aceh. In the complex there are two stables Baperis King of Aceh, who first called the Cage Meuh and another one called Complex Mausoleum of Sultan Ibrahim Mansur Shah. As for who is buried in complex Meuh Cage, among others, King Princess King children Bengkulu, Alaidin Sultan Mahmud Shah, King Darussalam, lord Zainal Abidin and others.

The bell was probably a temple bell and has rusted through, while the gold was missing from the letter forms and may once have been taken by people who are irresponsible. Chinese lettering on the bell rang Intention Toeng Juut Fang Sing Yat Kat Tjo which can be interpreted as follows Sultan Sing Fa which has been poured in 12 months of the year 5.

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